
CORONAVIRUS/COVID-19: “[T]he one thing about this disease that everybody’s learned very easily and very quickly is, it’s so contagious. It is the most contagious thing people have seen. So, in 1917, we had a horrible – in that case it was the flu, right, you remember, the Spanish Flu, so much has been written about it. Now, of course, it’s the hottest – everybody that writes a book about the Spanish Flu, in 1917, it killed between 100, I guess 50 to 100 million people.

It probably ended the First World War because the soldiers were all getting sick. It was the worst the world has ever seen that we know of. We have something that’s different. It’s not as powerful, but it’s far more contagious.”

-Donald Trump as quoted by Factbase, “Interview: Bret Baier and Martha MacCallum Host a Town Hall with Donald Trump – May 3, 2020,” factba.se, May 3, 2020