
AFRICAN AMERICANS/CORONAVIRUS/COVID-19/JOE BIDEN/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “We have got to save jobs. We’ve got to save people’s businesses. And they have to exponentially ramp up testing. We have been talking about 4 million tests are going to be available. Look where is all this — where is it? What’s being done?

You’ve got to open up enrollment for Obamacare. A lot of people don’t have insurance. This president is trying to take away Obamacare across the board, which will leave people naked to this problem that we’re facing. And we have to finally get some data how this Coronavirus is really hurting African-Americans and minority communities.”

-Joe Biden as quoted by ABC News, “‘This Week’ Transcript 4-5-20: Joe Biden, Secretary Mark Esper,” abcnews.go.com, Apr. 5, 2020