
INVESTIGATIONS/LEGAL/ROGER STONE/TRUMP PEOPLE: “For decades, Roger J. Stone Jr. played politics as a kind of performance art, starring himself as a professional lord of mischief, as a friend once called him. He tossed bombs and spun tales from the political periphery with no real reckoning, burnishing a reputation as a dirty trickster. On Friday [11-15-19] morning, a reckoning arrived, the consequence of his efforts to sabotage a congressional investigation that threatened his longtime friend President Trump. Mr. Stone, 67, was convicted in federal court of seven felonies for obstructing the congressional inquiry, lying to investigators under oath and trying to block the testimony of a witness whose account would have exposed his lies. Jurors deliberated for a little over seven hours before convicting him on all counts. Together, the charges carry a maximum prison term of 50 years.”

Sharon LaFraniere and Zach Montague, “Roger Stone Is Convicted of Impeding Investigators in a Bid to Protect Trump,” The New York Times online, November 15, 2019