
IMPEACHMENT/POLLS/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT/UKRAINE: “Support for the impeachment inquiry into President Donald Trump’s dealings in Ukraine continue to grow, as does support for his removal from office, a Quinnipiac University poll released Wednesday [10-23-19] found.  A 55% majority of registered voters said they approved of the inquiry, while 43% said they disapproved. A week ago, 51% of voters said they approved and 45% disapproved. Quinnipiac has found support for the inquiry to be in the low-50% range since it was announced at the end of September. The poll found that slightly less than half of Americans support impeaching Trump and removing him from office, though support for such a move has been rising since the inquiry began. Currently, 48% support Trump’s removal. That is 2 percentage points higher than last week and 11 points higher than on Sept. 25. But opinions on impeachment continue to divide sharply along party lines.” 

William Cummings, “Support for Trump impeachment rises as 59% say he pursued personal interests in Ukraine, poll finds,” USA Today, October 23, 2019 2:16 pm