
BUSINESS/CHINA/TECHNOLOGY/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “The United States will allow American companies to continue doing business with Huawei, the Chinese telecommunications giant, for an additional 90 days, Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross said Monday. [8-19-19]. The government’s reprieve is intended to give rural telecommunications companies in the United States more time to wean themselves from Huawei, which supplies many of those providers with parts and equipment. Rural telecom firms in the United States have been scrambling to figure out how they will replace Huawei equipment since the Trump administration effectively banned the company from United States communications networks in May and have been lobbying the White House for more time…Huawei has been thrust into the middle of President Trump’s trade fight with China, and the president has given mixed signals about the telecom giant’s fate. After trade talks broke down in May, the Commerce Department added the company to a United States ‘entity list’ that effectively banned the firm from buying American technology and other products without government approval.”

Alan Rappeport, “U.S. Gives Companies More Time to Cease Doing Business With Huawei,” The New York Times online, August 19, 2019