
DEMS/HUD/REGULATIONS/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “President Trump signed an executive order on Tuesday [6-25-19] creating a commission that will recommend ways to cut regulations that stymie new housing construction, embracing an idea shared by affordable housing advocates on the left, and even by Barack Obama. The specific regulations in the president’s sights, however, include many that will make liberals unhappy. Over the next year, the new White House council, led by Ben Carson, the secretary of Housing and Urban Development, will study local, state and federal rules that drive up the cost of housing, delay its construction or block it entirely. The potential list: restrictive zoning and rent control; parking requirements and energy efficiency mandates; density limits and environmental rules; lengthy permitting procedures and labor laws. That list is a mash-up of some of the prime targets Democratic presidential candidates would like to take on, too — right alongside some of the left’s most prized policies.”

Emily Badger, “Trump Wants to Cut Regulations That Block New Housing,” The New York Times online, June 26, 2019