MEDIA/SOCIAL MEDIA/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “In the otherwise boisterous world of the Australian news media, the Australian Broadcasting Corporation, known as the ABC or ABC News, tends to resemble a very serious aunt. The public broadcaster is smart, loquacious and a bit boring; even audience members for its live news discussion program, ‘Q&A,’ can sometimes be seen drifting to sleep. But on Tuesday [6-18-19], the internet met a livelier and still very Australian ABC. When President Trump posted a tweet that mistakenly tagged the Australian ABC News rather than the American one, the Australian broadcaster was quick to respond with a cheeky GIF of a koala. The post from the ABC’s official Twitter account landed high up in Mr. Trump’s comment thread, where it got an immediate local response. In a burst of national pride and humor, the likes and replies piled up throughout the Australian day, while most of Washington was asleep.”
–Damien Cave, “Trump Tagged the Wrong ABC on Twitter, and Got a Koala in Response,” The New York Times online, June 18, 2019