
MEXICO/TRADE DEALS/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “President Trump on Tuesday [6-11-19] waved a piece of paper that he said was part of a ‘very long and very good’ secret agreement with Mexico, refusing to describe it but vowing that it will go into effect whenever he wants it to. The president’s dramatic flourish, delivered as he left the White House for a trip to Iowa, came a day after Marcelo Ebrard, Mexico’s foreign minister, publicly denied that his country had reached an undisclosed immigration agreement with the United States. Also Tuesday, Mr. Ebrard again said that there was no additional deal beyond what both governments had announced on Friday [6-7-19]. ‘We don’t have anything to hide,’ he said. Reading from a letter that he had sent to the Mexican Senate, Mr. Ebrard gave a detailed account of the negotiations between the Mexican and United States governments, emphasizing how American officials had repeatedly insisted that Mexico sign an agreement that would require migrants traveling through Mexico to seek asylum there rather than in the United States — an agreement known as ‘safe third country.’”

Michael D. Shear, “Trump Brags About Mexico Deal, but Reveals No Details,” The New York Times online, June 11, 2019