
CONGRESS/DEMS/IMPEACHMENT/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “Key House Democrats who have avoided questions about impeachment in the past say that President Donald Trump could be exposing himself to another potential avenue for impeachment by obstructing congressional investigations. The White House’s all-out refusal to cooperate with the House Democratic investigations have some Democrats questioning whether Trump’s blatant disregard for congressional oversight is yet another kind of obstruction of justice that could rise to the level of ‘high crimes and misdemeanors.’ Democrats say they’re not ready to launch impeachment proceedings yet. But faced with the prospect of months — if not years — of court battles to obtain information from their subpoenas, they are publicly expressing more of an openness to the idea than they have at any point since Mueller’s investigation ended last month.”

Lauren Fox, Jeremy Herb and Alex Rogers, “Democrats say congressional obstruction is pushing some to think about impeachment,” CNN Politics, CNN.com, April 30, 2019 7:03 pm