
TAXES/TRUMP TAXES: “Two tax stories, progressing on non-parallel tracks and in seemingly alternate universes, are in the news, both moving full-steam ahead. One story is about all of us, or rather almost all of us: Ordinary workers getting ready this Monday, April 15, for the first tax day after the Trump-inspired Tax Cut and Jobs Act of 2017. We are about to learn first-hand that Trump’s promise to fix our broken tax code was not quite kept. The other story — the one sucking up all of the oxygen in the media, as per usual — features our reality-TV-host, Taxpayer-in-Chief, President Donald J. Trump, who is embroiled in a battle with House Dems over the release of his tax returns. His minions are vowing that the American people will never see them, even though the law giving Congress the power to obtain them seems as crystal clear as laws can seem these days. These concurrent storylines underscore a basic and important fact of life in America today. There are two tax systems in our country: One for the many of us who work regular jobs for a living, and a second for those who have wealth and can live off of it, without bothering much about ordinary work. Trump lives in the second world.”

Edward J. McCaffery, “As America files its taxes, Trump’s only worry is disclosure,” CNN Politics, CNN.com, April 11, 2019 9:28 pm