
BORDER/SOCIAL MEDIA/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “We all make typos, but, fairly or not, President Donald Trump’s textual slipups draw more attention than most. That is especially true when he stumbles writing about one of his defining political issues: border security. Or, as the president called it in a tweet on Monday [12-17-18], ‘Boarder Security’…Trump deleted the tweet and posted a new one with the correct spelling at about 11 a.m. EST. But USA TODAY saved a screenshot of the original ‘boarder’ gaffe. Trump’s tweet comes after last week’s heated Oval Office meeting with House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., and Senate Minority Leader, R-N.Y., Chuck Schumer, in which he accused Democrats of not wanting to secure the U.S.-Mexico border and vowed to shut down the government if he does not get $5 billion to fund construction of his promised border wall. The typo is the latest in a series of presidential Twitter typos that have drawn attention, including his recent reference to a ‘smocking gun’ and the immortal classic: ‘covfefe.'”

William Cummings, “Trump tweet says wall is necessary for ‘good Boarder Security.’ Twitter erupts,” USA Today, December 17, 2018 11:42 am