
2016 ELECTION/ROBERT MUELLER/RUSSIA INVESTIGATION/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT/TRUMP PEOPLE: “Although special counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation appears to be drawing closer to proving that associates of President Donald Trump ‘colluded’ with foreigners to influence the 2016 election, extraordinary steps by Trump’s allies to undermine special counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation appear to have slowed down the prosecutor. But it won’t be for long. In fact, the stalling tactics might end up costing the defendants more time in prison. On Tuesday, right-wing pundit Jerome Corsi released a draft Statement of the Offense and plea agreement that he claims was sent to him by Mueller. The statement describes several emails between Corsi and his friend Roger Stone, a Trump associate, regarding hacked Democratic emails distributed by WikiLeaks. The emails, which investigators say Corsi deleted from his computer, prove that Corsi lied when he told investigators in September that he had never acted as an intermediary between Stone and WikiLeaks. There appears to be no rationale for Corsi’s actions other than to draw attention to himself, which any responsible lawyer would advise him not to do at this juncture.”

Renato Mariotti, “Mueller’s Targets Are Blowing Up Their Deals. He’ll Make Them Pay.,” Politico, November 28, 2018