
MITCH MCCONNELL/ROBERT MUELLER/RUSSIA INVESTIGATION/SENATE/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “Senate Republican leader Mitch McConnell said on Tuesday [11-27-18] he would ‘probably’ block a renewed effort to bring to a vote a bill to protect Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation of Russian meddling in the 2016 U.S. presidential election. The bill, known as the Special Counsel Independence and Integrity Act, would make it harder for President Donald Trump to undermine the investigation, which he has called a witch hunt. The measure has already been approved at the committee level with bipartisan support…McConnell reiterated that Mueller should be allowed to finish his probe, which is also looking into possible collusion between Moscow and the Trump campaign and obstruction of justice. But he said he did not think Trump would try to fire Mueller, adding that lawmakers ‘have a lot of things to do to try to finish up this year without taking votes on things that are completely irrelevant to outcomes.’”

-Susan Cornwell, “Senate’s McConnell says he will ‘probably’ block bill to shield special counsel,” Reuters, November 27, 2018 2:17 pm