
TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “A few rogue Wikipedia editors may have caused Siri to show a lewd image when asked about Donald Trump during Thanksgiving. Apple’s digital assistant, which pulls some of its results from Wikipedia among other sources, was showing an image of male genitalia in place of a photograph of Trump when asked ‘who is Donald Trump’ or ‘how old is Donald Trump.’ The apparent glitch was first spotted by The Verge, asking Siri the question ‘who is Donald Trump’ or ‘how old is Donald Trump’ returns an image of male genitalia in place of a picture of the 45th president of the United States. USA TODAY was able to replicate the glitch when asking Siri ‘who is Donald Trump’ on an iPhone X on Thursday [11-22-18] evening. Apple disabled showing images when those questions later Thursday, instead returning a series of links to various websites and an imageless Wolfram Alpha result when asking about his age. The company fixed the page by Friday [11-23-18] morning.”

Eli Blumenthal, “Wikipedia vandalizing causes Siri to show a lewd image when asked about Donald Trump,” USA Today, November 23, 2018 11:22 am