
DEMS/ELECTION/GOP/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT/TRUMP PEOPLE: “Tom MacArthur is doing something that’s familiar to dozens of candidates in the most fiercely contested congressional races: Tiptoeing around President Donald Trump. The Republican congressman has done more than anyone in New Jersey to help Trump. He was the only member of his delegation to vote for Trump’s tax cuts. And he personally authored a provision that briefly resurrected Trump’s health care plan. But on the eve of the election, he might be mistaken for a member of the Trump resistance…In an election that hinges on Trump’s standing, candidates from both parties are struggling to find the right balance when it comes to Trump. While liberals demand Trump’s impeachment, many Democratic candidates are focused on health care. Republicans in Washington, meanwhile, are all in for Trump, but the party’s most important House candidates are spending their final days attacking Democrats for resisting — without saying much about the president who’s being resisted.”

The Associated Press, “Candidates Sidestep Trump in Midterm Closing Message,” The New York Times online, October 29, 2018