
LEGAL/MEDIA/ROBERT MUELLER/RUSSIA INVESTIGATION/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “One veteran lawyer who recently represented President Donald Trump believes he is a ‘liar’ and told Trump he could end up in ‘an orange jump suit’ if he testifies before special counsel Robert Mueller, according to a new book from legendary journalist Bob Woodward. The 448-page opus from the Pulitzer Prize-winning investigative reporter, ‘Fear: Trump in the White House,’ goes behind the scenes of the Russia investigation. The book, based on confidential background interviews, portrays a President even more deeply obsessed with the Mueller investigation than has been previously reported or understood. Woodward reveals confidential conversations between Trump and his attorney John Dowd, who led the President’s legal team until March. Readers get a glimpse into the world of the notoriously tight-lipped Mueller and, for the first time, get a window into his negotiations with Trump’s lawyers. Woodward describes how Dowd made Trump sit for a mock interview to try to prove to the President that testifying would be a terrible idea. Trump failed the test miserably, Woodward writes, and Dowd left convinced that the President could not survive Mueller’s questioning without committing perjury. Dowd believed Trump was incapable of telling the truth.”

Marshall Cohen and Jamie Gangel, “Bob Woodward: Trump’s lawyer warned him of an ‘orange jump suit’ if he testifies,” CNN Politics, CNN.com, September 4, 2018 8:42 am