
BORDER/DEMS/DREAMERS/ELECTION/LATINOS/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “Democrats have hit an unexpected speed bump in their drive to regain control of Congress: unsettling signs that the party may not generate as much turnout or support among Latino voters this fall as it expected. Despite a procession of provocations from President Donald Trump — from ending deportation protections for so-called ‘Dreamers,’ young immigrants brought to the country illegally by their parents, to his now-terminated policy that resulted in children being separated from their undocumented parents at the border — a growing number of Democratic strategists are privately concerned that their candidates are not consolidating Latino support as much as they anticipated in several key races. While cautioning that there is still time to reverse the trend, they point to signs of wavering Hispanic support and engagement in House districts in Texas, Nevada, Florida and California, and in Senate races in Texas, Nevada, Florida and Arizona…Yet virtually everyone on both sides of this Democratic debate agrees on one point: Despite all his confrontational rhetoric and policies, Trump alone appears unlikely to reverse the usual falloff in Hispanic turnout during midterm elections, and he may not even widen the typical Democratic advantage among them in their vote preferences.”

Ronald Brownstein, “Trump may not be enough to swing Latino turnout Democrats’ way,” CNN Politics, CNN.com, August 7, 2018 9:49 am