
DEMS/NOMINATIONS/SENATE/SUPREME COURT/TRUMP PEOPLE: “More Senate Democrats will meet with Supreme Court Justice nominee Judge Brett Kavanaugh when they return from recess. According to a senior Democratic senate aide, Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer of New York and California Sen. Dianne Feinstein, the top Democrat on the Senate Judiciary Committee, will lead the effort and will demand documents not yet provided to senators ‘from him directly, and question him about their contents.’ The aide also cited health care, women’s freedom and presidential power as topics for the meetings…North Dakota Democratic Sen. Heidi Heitkamp, who faces a competitive re-election this fall, announced Friday [8-3-18] she’d meet with Kavanaugh on Wednesday, August 15…And two more vulnerable senate Democrats are also expected to meet with Judge Kavanaugh: Sen. Joe Donnelly of Indiana and Sen. Claire McCaskill of Missouri. Donnelly will also meet with the judge on August 15, a White House official confirmed to CNN, while McCaskill is scheduled to meet with Kavanaugh on August 21…Democrats have demanded all of the documents from Kavanaugh’s time at the White House for review ahead of his confirmation, a request Republicans have said is a ‘fishing expedition’ and a ‘delay tactic’ for a nominee some have no intention of considering.”

Elizabeth Landers, “More Senate Democrats to meet with Trump’s Supreme Court pick in coming weeks,” CNN Politics, CNN.com, August 3, 2018 5:15 pm