
MEDIA/TRUMP PEOPLE: “The baby wearing a ‘CNN Sucks!’ pin pretty much summed it up. In the back of a fairground auditorium in Tampa, Fla., on Tuesday night, as President Trump presided over a rally dedicated to denigrating his enemies, the journalists dispatched to cover the proceedings attracted their own raucous crowd…Menacing the media was a theme of Mr. Trump’s campaign rallies in 2016. News networks hired security guards for some correspondents — a practice that, in Mr. Acosta’s case, has continued — and reporters found themselves taunted and disparaged by attendees repeating Mr. Trump’s refrain of ‘fake news.’ In Tampa, though, several journalists described an atmosphere of hostility that felt particularly hard-edge. And far from condemning these attacks on the press, the president and his team have endorsed them. That night, Mr. Trump tweeted out a video of his supporters jeering Mr. Acosta, along with an approving comment from his son Eric: “#truth.” When the White House press secretary, Sarah Huckabee Sanders, was invited at Wednesday’s press briefing to condemn the menacing behavior, she declined.”

-Michael M. Grynbaum, “Crowds, Stoked by Trump’s Rhetoric, Increase Their Ire Toward the Press,” The New York Times online, August 1, 2018