
MEDIA/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “President Trump and the publisher of The New York Times, A. G. Sulzberger, engaged in a fierce public clash on Sunday [7-29-18] over Mr. Trump’s threats against journalism, after Mr. Sulzberger said the president misrepresented a private meeting and Mr. Trump accused The Times and other papers of putting lives at risk with irresponsible reporting. Mr. Trump said on Twitter that he and Mr. Sulzberger had discussed ‘the vast amounts of Fake News being put out by the media & how that Fake News has morphed into phrase, ‘Enemy of the People.’ Sad!’ In a five-paragraph statement issued two hours after the tweet, Mr. Sulzberger said he had accepted Mr. Trump’s invitation for the July 20 meeting mainly to raise his concerns about the president’s ‘deeply troubling anti-press rhetoric’…Mr. Sulzberger’s lengthy, bluntly worded rebuttal was a striking rejoinder to the president by the 37-year-old publisher of a paper with which Mr. Trump has had a long, complicated relationship. And it apparently touched a nerve: The president fired off a series of angry tweets in the afternoon, accusing newspapers of being unpatriotic.”

Mark Landler, “New York Times Publisher and Trump Clash Over President’s Threats Against Journalism,” The new York Times online, July 30, 2018