
BUSINESS/JOBS/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “A group of business leaders have committed to train 3.8 million workers with in-demand job skills over the next five years under an executive order on job creation signed by President Donald Trump Thursday [7-19-18]. FedEX, General Motors, Home Depot, IBM, Lockheed Martin, Microsoft, Walmart, and 16 other companies and trade groups signed a pledge to expand apprenticeship programs, increase on-the-job training, and educate both students and workers throughout their careers. The executive order also establishes the National Council for the American Worker, which will consist of cabinet members and senior White House officials. They are charged with developing a national strategy to train Americans for the skills they need to fill open jobs now and in the future. The order also created the American Workforce Policy Advisory Board that will bring together governors with business executives and educators. There are currently more job openings than unemployed workers in the US, and companies are having a hard time finding enough workers with the right skills. Many new jobs require more than a high school education, but not necessarily a four-year degree.”

-Katie Lobosco, “Employers commit to train 3.8 million workers under Trump executive order,” CNN Politics, CNN.com, July 19, 2018 5:44 pm