
NOMINATIONS/SENATE/SUPREME COURT/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “Sen. Lisa Murkowski, one of the most watched Republicans in the Trump administration’s fight to confirm Brett Kavanaugh as a Supreme Court justice, told CNN Tuesday [7-10-18] that her vetting of the nominee will take weeks, not days, and says all senators need to do their ‘due diligence’ before deciding how to vote. The senior senator from Alaska — who has differed with her party in the past on the issue of abortion rights, among others — told CNN that she will meet with Kavanaugh and pore over his extensive record carefully…Murkowski — like Republican Sen. Susan Collins of Maine — said she needs more information before she knows whether Kavanaugh would uphold the Supreme Court’s decision on Roe v. Wade, the landmark 1973 ruling affirming the legality of a woman’s right to have an abortion under the 14th Amendment to the Constitution.”

Lauren Fox, “Lisa Murkowski says she needs more information on Supreme Court nominee,” CNN Politics, CNN.com, July 10, 2018 12:58 pm