
EU/MELANIA/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “The first couple departed the White House for a week in Europe early Tuesday [7-10-18] morning, walking hand in hand across the South Lawn to Marine One…And while the first lady isn’t set to give any formal remarks during the trip — which includes stops in Belgium, the United Kingdom, Scotland and Finland — her presence is sure to make headlines of its own. The Slovenian-born first lady is again on the world stage in Europe — her third trip to the continent since her husband assumed office and her first one overseas since her kidney embolization procedure in May. While the President has a packed schedule of high-stakes meetings with world leaders, she will also represent the United States to forge diplomatic relationships of her own. Melania Trump has served as an asset during previous trips abroad, earning generally high praise from foreign media. The first lady’s schedule during the trip will be composed of a combination of appearances alongside her husband and solo outings, which Grisham said will include spousal programs set by the host country and ‘events focused on both public service and children.'”

Betsy Klein and Kate Bennett, “European trip puts Melania Trump back on the world stage,” CNN Politics, CNN.com, July 10, 2018 2:41 pm