
MEDIA/TRUMP PEOPLE: “Sen. Bob Menendez said he hopes the White House will ‘dramatically change their protocol’ after a prank call from a comedian impersonating the senator got through to President Donald Trump, who called the prankster back from Air Force One. Podcast host John Melendez, better known as ‘Stuttering John,’ pretended to be the Democratic senator from New Jersey last week by calling the White House and asking to speak to the President. Shortly after, the President returned his call. In an interview with CNN’s Erica Hill on ‘Newsroom’ Tuesday [7-3-18] morning, Menendez responded to questions about the prank call with concerns about White House security…Menendez, the ranking member of the Senate Foreign Relations committee, also discussed Secretary of State Mike Pompeo’s upcoming trip to North Korea later this week.”

Sarah Hallam, “Sen. Menendez reacts to prank call of him to Trump,” CNN Politics, CNN.com, July 3, 2018 1:04 pm