
G7/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “Everyone, by now, has seen this photo from the weekend — picturing President Donald Trump surrounded by the leaders of other G7 countries. And literally everyone knows the whole ‘a picture is worth 1,000 words’ cliche. What’s fascinating to me about the photo above is that it speaks volumes — not necessarily in and of itself, but in how people react to it. It speaks 1,000 words — but those words are totally different depending on what you think of Trump. The picture amounts to a Trump Rohrshach test. If you loathe the President (or have deep concerns about his tendency to fight with our allies and meet with our enemies) photo of Trump, arms crossed and scowling, surrounded by a perplexed world community, is your nightmare. German Chancellor Angela Merkel is the face of this frustration — hands splayed on the table, staring at Trump in something that can be rightly described as amazed disbelief. (Merkel’s office sent out the photo, making clear they believe it paints her in a positive — and forceful — light.)..If you love the President, the G7 photo encapsulates everything you hoped he might be on the world stage.”

-Chris Cillizza, “The already iconic G7 photo is a Trump Rorschach test,” CNN Politics, CNN.com, June 11, 2018 2:32 pm