
AFRICAN AMERICANS/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “President Donald Trump praised the achievements of the 20th-century African-American civil-rights movement and paid tribute to the movement’s martyrs as ‘American heroes’ ahead of a museum opening Saturday, amid criticism over his past remarks on women, immigration and other issues…
‘We want our country to be a place where every child, from every background, can grow up free from fear, innocent of hatred and surrounded by love, opportunity and hope. Today we pay solemn tribute to our heroes of the past and dedicate ourselves to build a future of freedom, equality, justice and peace,’ Mr. Trump said.
The president spoke at an event that preceded the larger official opening of twin museums—the Mississippi Civil Rights Museum and the Museum of Mississippi History—as part of Mississippi’s bicentennial celebrations.
Two black Democratic lawmakers, civil-rights activist Rep. John Lewis of Georgia and Rep. Bennie Thompson of Mississippi, whose district includes some of Jackson, had said they wouldn’t attend because of their objections to Mr. Trump’s past controversial remarks on immigration, women and other issues…
A White House spokesman said the lawmakers’ absences were regrettable but that the president had never contemplated staying away.”

-Louise Radnofsky, “Trump Hails Civil Rights ‘Heroes’ in Speech Some Black Leaders Boycotted,” The Wall Street Journal online, Dec. 9, 2017 02:35pm