
CLIMATE CHANGE/EPA/SCOTT PRUITT/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “In less than a year since taking the helm of the Environmental Protection Agency, Scott Pruitt has repealed the Obama administration’s Clean Power Plan and Waters of the United States rule, encouraged President Donald Trump’s withdrawal from the Paris climate agreement and removed scientists dependent on EPA funding from serving on the agency’s advisory boards.
On Monday [11-27-17], Mr. Pruitt signaled how he plans to protect the environment in the Trump era as the EPA’s administrator. He went to Walt Disney World to highlight the theme park’s commitment to sustainability through a program that can convert into electric power 120,000 tons of food waste that would otherwise end up in landfills every year…
Next year, Mr. Pruitt plans to move ahead with efforts to repeal the CPP, an Obama administration effort to reduce carbon emissions at power plants, and to roll out a replacement rule for the Waters of the United States statute, which asserted that rivers as well as small streams and wetlands can be regulated by the federal government. He also plans to begin an agency-backed debate of scientists with opposing views—what he has called a ‘red team/blue team’ exercise—on the role of human activity in causing climate change some time in early 2018.”

-Eli Stokols, “EPA Chief Scott Pruitt Signals His Environmental Strategy,” The Wall Street Journal online, Nov. 28, 2017 03:50pm