HEALTHCARE/OBAMACARE(ACA)/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “Dozens of insurers are leaving the Affordable Care Act’s federal insurance exchange, and consumers who don’t get premium help will see some rates for popular plans jump by more than 30% next year, according to a Trump administration report released Monday [10-30-17].
The data, which come just before Wednesday’s launch of open enrollment under the ACA, is likely to add to debate over whether the Obama-era law is failing, or whether it is being sabotaged by congressional Republicans and President Donald Trump.
Millions of people are expected to sign up for private health coverage during the sign-up season, at a time when the president and many congressional Republicans are pledging to repeal the health law.
The number of insurers participating on the federal exchange, known as, will drop to 132 in 2018 from 167 this year, according to the Department of Health and Human Services analysis. As a result, about 30% of consumers will have only one insurer to pick from, up from 20% this year.”
-Stephanie Armour, “Health Premiums to Rise, Trump Administration Says,” The Wall Street Journal online, Oct. 30, 2017 07:22pm