
DEMS/POLITICAL FIGURES/TAXES/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “Chuck Schumer has shown he’s willing to cut deals with President Donald Trump. But the Senate minority leader says Democrats will take a hard-line approach with the White House on taxes — and everything else — until Trump’s GOP-only approach hits a dead end…
Schumer’s comments about how Democrats will approach a tax overhaul took on added significance this week as Trump dug deeper into a bitter feud with Sen. Bob Corker (R-Tenn.) over the GOP’s tax efforts. Corker has expressed skepticism about supporting any bill that adds to the deficit. Republicans can lose only two votes in the Senate if they hope to pass tax reform along party lines, which is their current plan.
The White House is trying to woo red-state Senate Democrats up for reelection in 2018. But Schumer tried to lay down a marker: The party would hold fast to demands that any final tax bill deliver relief to the middle class and not tilt to top earners.”

-Ben White, “Schumer takes hard line with Trump on taxes,” Politico, Oct. 25, 2017 05:11am