
GREECE/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “When President Donald Trump sat for talks Tuesday [10-17-17] with his left-wing Greek counterpart Alexis Tsipras, he faced a man who last year warned his own citizens that Trump represented an ‘evil’ raft of ideas with no place in western democracy.
Now that Trump is President, Tsipras finds himself among the club of world leaders hoping to paper over their election-year criticisms of the billionaire businessman, who is known to carry a grudge and remember even the smallest slight.
Speaking in the Rose Garden after their meeting, Tsipras downplayed his election-year remarks, insisting he’s ready now to partner with Trump…
‘I think our collaboration will be very substantial,’ he said. ‘And I’m very optimistic after the meeting we had today.’
Trump — who seemed unaware of the ‘evil’ comments before they were raised by a reporter — appeared unsurprised, noting many world leaders were apprehensive after his victory.”

-Kevin Liptak, “Once-critical Greek PM praises Trump over ‘common values’,” CNN Politics, CNN.com, Oct. 17, 2017 02:44pm