
CLIMATE CHANGE/EPA/TRUMP EXEC ORDERS:‘Establishing Discipline and Accountability in the Environmental Review and Permitting Process for Infrastructure’
The order aims to increase the efficiency of the Federal infrastructure permitting process and revokes an Obama-era Executive Order that created stricter environmental review standards for federal projects in flood-prone areas.
It establishes ‘One Federal Decision’ for major infrastructure projects, assigning each project a lead Federal agency and creating a performance accountability system to track its progress. It also sets a goal of 2 years for the average completion time of the permitting process. While announcing the order, Trump called the current permitting process ‘a massive, self imposed wound.’
The order also revokes Executive Order 13690, which mandated stricter environmental review standards in floodplains as part of Obama’s Climate Action Plan. That order required planners use flooding predictions that incorporated climate science.”

-Avalon Zoppo, Amanda Proenca Santos, and Jackson Hudgins, “Here’s the Full List of Donald Trump’s Executive Orders,” NBC News, Oct 17, 2017 11:58am