
ECONOMY/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “The Trump administration says it is moving forward with its aggressive plans to shred government rules and regulations.
The White House on Wednesday [7-19-17] released its first official report on its rollback efforts, claiming that during President Trump’s first five months in office it had brought about savings for the economy rather than impose regulatory costs. As a comparison, the report said President Obama’s agencies accrued $3.1 billion in regulatory costs during the same period at the start of his administration. The administration also said it was ahead of schedule in implementing President Trump’s pledge to eliminate two regulations for each new one on the books.
The report shows how the administration is trying to follow through on a campaign pledge by Mr. Trump to broadly reduce regulation and reverse rules put in place under his predecessor…
The rollback has been met with strong resistance from critics who say the administration is overlooking health and environmental benefits of regulations in order to appease businesses, which often bear the financial costs of complying with rules. The critics have also raised concerns about a lack of transparency in the deregulation process.
An analysis published on Wednesday by the Center for Progressive Reform, a liberal think tank, showed a pattern of delaying regulations in the pipeline since Mr. Trump’s inauguration in January. The study found that 42 rules had been delayed and 13 more had been placed under review, another way to slow them down.”

-Steve Eder, “White House Boasts of Its Savings in Regulatory Rollback,” The New York Times online, July 19, 2017