
FBI/NOMINATIONS/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “If fireworks erupt at Wednesday’s [7-12-17] confirmation hearing for President Donald Trump’s pick to be the next FBI director, they aren’t likely to be sparked by the nominee, Christopher Wray, a former Justice Department official known as a workhorse who eschews the spotlight.
Many current and former FBI agents say that is exactly what the agency needs—someone who focuses on running investigations while leaving politics to others—as the Federal Bureau of Investigation navigates turbulence following the firing of former Director James Comey. Other agents and legal observers wonder if Mr. Wray, who has spent a decade as a defense lawyer, has the gravitas to buck political pressure and chart an independent course for the nation’s premier law-enforcement agency.
The public will hear from Mr. Wray on Wednesday for the first time since his selection, as the Senate Judiciary Committee weighs his nomination to lead the FBI and its 13,000 agents. If confirmed, the 50-year-old Mr. Wray would take over one of the most challenging jobs in law enforcement, charged with impartially overseeing investigations while weathering political storms.”

-Aruna Viswanatha and Del Quentin Wilber, “FBI Nominee Christopher Wray Known as Workhorse Who Eschews Spotlight,” The Wall Street Journal online, July 9, 2017 08:00am