
DEMS/INTELLIGENCE/NATIONAL SECURITY/RUSSIA/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “Five senior Democratic senators involved in national security, foreign policy and intelligence wrote President Donald Trump in a letter published Thursday [7-6-17], urging him to use his upcoming bilateral meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin to ‘make absolutely clear’ that Russian interference in US elections ‘will in no way be tolerated.’
‘We believe it is crucial for you — as the President of the United States — to raise this matter with President Putin and to ensure that he hears you loud and clear — interfering in our elections was wrong in 2016 and it will not be permitted to happen again,’ said the letter signed by Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer of New York, Assistant Democratic Leader Dick Durbin of Illinois and the top Democrats on the intelligence, armed services, and foreign relations committees: Mark Warner of Virginia, Jack Reed of Rhode Island and Ben Cardin of Maryland respectively. ‘The upcoming elections cannot be a playground for President Putin,’ they wrote.
CNN has reached out to the White House for comment on the letter and has not yet gotten a response.”

-Ted Barett, Manu Raju, and Phil Mattingly, “Senate Democrats press Trump to confront Putin on election interference,” CNN Politics, CNN.com, July 6, 2017 03:33pm