
POLITICS: “The special election in Georgia’s Sixth Congressional District is on its way to being the most expensive U.S. representative’s race in history, already exceeding $37 million with several weeks still to go before the runoff vote on June 20.
Two candidates, Democrat Jon Ossoff, who has never held elected office, and Republican Karen Handel, a former Georgia secretary of state, are spending millions in this suburban Atlanta district of about 700,000, flooding airwaves, boxing out commercial advertisers and, in some cases, saturating voters.
‘Normally the budget sets the priorities,’ said Jeff DeSantis, a prominent Georgia Democratic political consultant not affiliated with the Ossoff campaign. ‘Here it’s *Oh my God, we have all this money, how do we spend it?*’
Chip Lake, a Republican Georgia consultant unaffiliated with the Handel campaign, said the contest ‘doesn’t even come close to resembling any race I have ever seen.’ “

-Cameron McWhirter, “Georgia House Race on Track to Be Priciest in History,” The Wall Street Journal online, May 29, 2017 7:00am