
FOREIGN POLICY/INTELLIGENCE/LEAKS: “With multiple high-profile intelligence leaks in recent weeks, the US has now managed to upset two of its closest allies by allowing the disclosure of sensitive information — a trend that is raising concerns around potentially jeopardizing the trust of key information-sharing partners.
Just days after President Donald Trump was reported to have revealed highly sensitive, likely Israeli-shared intelligence to Russian officials in the Oval Office, the United Kingdom is voicing its frustration over leaked information coming from US sources.
Although the nature of the two leaks was very different — with the President reportedly sharing sensitive information with a foreign power in one instance and US law enforcement sources providing information to the media in the other — the two headline-grabbing disclosures both revealed underlying frustrations maintained by those affected.”

-Zachary Cohen, “How US intelligence leaks upset two allies in one week, ” CNN Politics, CNN.com, May 25, 2017 9:41am