
CABINET/EDUCATION/TRUMP PEOPLE/BETSY DEVOS: “Education Secretary Betsy DeVos promised Monday [5-22-17] evening that President Trump would propose ‘the most ambitious expansion of education choice in our nation’s history,’ but she offered no details about the administration’s plans.
Speaking in Indianapolis before a friendly audience of school voucher proponents, she instead laid out a moral case to dramatically transform American education — and improve young people’s prospects — by expanding school choice.
‘We must acknowledge that the future is bleak for millions of students if we only continue to tinker around the edges with education reform,’ she said. ‘We stand on the verge of the most significant opportunity we have ever had to drag American education out of the Stone Age and into the future.’
DeVos was addressing the national conference of the American Federation for Children, a pro-school-choice advocacy group that DeVos founded, funded and chaired until stepping down to become Trump’s education secretary.”

-Emma Brown, “DeVos promises ‘the most ambitious expansion of education choice in our nation’s history’ — but offers no details,” The Washington Post online, May 22, 2017 10:16pm