
FBI/JAMES COMEY: “The revelation that James B. Comey documented his interactions with President Trump — describing in detail how the president urged him to quash the federal investigation into Michael T. Flynn, the former national security adviser — provided the clearest evidence yet that Mr. Trump tried to influence the government’s inquiry into possible links between his associates and Russia.
It also shined a bright light on something more commonplace: the F.B.I.’s practice of keeping careful, contemporaneous notes.
For law enforcement officials like Mr. Comey, who was fired last week as the director of the F.B.I., documenting sensitive conversations is a reflex — and in keeping with the habits of diligent lawyers. Mr. Comey was a federal prosecutor and corporate counsel before he ran the F.B.I.”

-Rebecca R. Ruiz, “Comey’s Memos Were a Product of a Culture of Note-Keeping,” The New York Times online, May 17, 2017