
INTELLIGENCE/RUSSIA/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “The former British spy behind the dossier alleging ties between President Donald Trump’s campaign and Russia insists his research was urgent enough to share with top American and British officials, but admits some of his work was not fully verified, according to court documents filed last month in London.
In the new legal filing obtained by CNN, lawyers for former British spy Christopher Steele argue that his investigation into possible collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia, funded by political opponents of Trump, also served a vital national security interest, and that Steele felt obligated to get his work to senior national security officials.
But Steele also concedes that some of the information he passed along to the US and UK governments still ‘needed to be analyzed and further investigated/verified,’ according to the court filing. This acknowledgment from Steele referred specifically to one memo he wrote, not his entire dossier.”

-Marshall Cohen, “Spy behind Trump dossier says info was never meant for public eyes,” CNN Politics, CNN.com, May 3, 2017 6:10am