
BUDGET/POLITICS/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “Congressional leaders reached a bipartisan agreement on Sunday [4-30-17] to fund the government through September, effectively ending any suspense about the possibility of a government shutdown next weekend.
The agreement, which still must be voted on by lawmakers, includes increased funding for the military and for border security. But it does not include funding for the wall that President Trump wants to build along the border with Mexico, one of his major campaign promises.
The deal increases funding for the National Institutes of Health, despite the Trump administration’s request that its budget be reduced for the rest of the fiscal year. And it provides tens of millions of dollars to reimburse costs incurred by local law enforcement agencies to protect Mr. Trump and his family — a boon to New York City, which has had the costly task of helping to protect Trump Tower.
The spending package would be the first significant bipartisan measure approved by Congress during the Trump presidency. Republicans, despite having control of both houses of Congress and the White House, were unable to pass any marquee legislation in the president’s first 100 days.”

-Thomas Kaplan and Matt Flegenheimer, “Bipartisan Agreement Reached to Fund Government Through September,” Reuters, April 30, 2017