
FOREIGN POLICY/MIKE PENCE: “Vice President Mike Pence praised Indonesia for its tradition of ‘modern Islam’ Thursday [4-20-17], sending a conciliatory message to the Islamic world as the Trump administration continues to cause unease among Muslims.
Pence was speaking in the world’s most populous Muslim nation midway through a 10-day swing in Asia meant to reinforce key US alliances at the start of the Trump administration. He met with the country’s president, Joko Widodo, and toured the largest mosque in the region.
Pence said the US would continue working with Indonesia to combat terrorism, and said the country’s form of Islam should serve as an example to other nations.
‘As the largest majority Muslim country, Indonesia’s tradition of modern Islam, frankly, is the inspiration to the world,’ he said. ‘We commend you and your people. In your nation as in mine, religion unifies — it doesn’t divide. It gives us hope for a brighter future. And we’re all grateful for the great inspiration that Indonesia provides for the world.’
The Trump administration has caused concern among the world’s Muslims for some of its proposals, including barring entry to citizens of some predominantly Muslim nations. That plan, however, remains stalled in courts and hasn’t gone into effect.”

-Kevin Liptak, “Pence praises moderate Islam in Indonesia,” CNN Politics, CNN.com, April 20, 2017 9:43am