
IMMIGRATION/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT/TRUMP EXEC ORDERS: “President Trump has set the wheels in motion for H-1B visa reform.
On Tuesday [4-18-17], Trump signed an executive order that directed federal agencies to implement a “Buy American, Hire American” strategy. The order included a section geared at immigration reform.
The order tasked four department heads (including the Secretary of Labor, who has yet to be confirmed) to suggest reforms to ensure H-1B visas are given to the ‘most-skilled or highest paid’ petitioners. Additionally, it asked them to propose new rules and guidance for preventing fraud and abuse of work visas.
Trump made it clear that he doesn’t agree with the fact that H-1Bs are currently doled out under a lottery system.
“Right now, H-1B visas are awarded in a totally random lottery — and that’s wrong,” he said on Tuesday in Wisconsin, where he signed the order.
There’s an annual quota of 85,000 new H-1B visas (with 20,000 reserved for master’s degree holders). Applications opened on April 3 and closed five days later. It was the fifth consecutive year that the cap was met within five days. This year, 199,000 applications were received.
It’s unclear what exactly the four department heads (State, Justice, Labor and Homeland Security) will be able to accomplish administratively and what will need to be done through congressional legislation.

-Sara Ashley O’Brien, “Trump takes first step toward H-1B reform,” CNN Tech, CNN.com, April 18, 2017 6:39pm