
MILITARY/RUSSIA/SYRIA/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “President Donald Trump is getting a taste for pulling the trigger.
In just the last week, the rookie commander in chief has presided over the use of some of the most powerful weaponry in the US arsenal, sending a signal that he is one President who relishes ordering the use of deadly force. It’s clear that he believes Washington and the rest of the world are watching.
First, Trump dispatched Tomahawk cruise missiles to slam into an airfield belonging to President Bashar al-Assad’s Syrian government forces, to punish what the US says is their use of chemical weapons. On Thursday, the military dropped one of its most powerful non-nuclear bombs — a 21,600-pound behemoth — over a warren of ISIS tunnels in Afghanistan. Afghan officials said 36 militants were killed in the strike.”

-Stephen Collinson, “Trump carves out tough commander-in-chief posture,” CNN Politics, CNN.com, April 14, 2017 10:13am