SECRET SERVICE: “The Secret Service says a woman who got tangled up by her shoelaces after trying to jump the White House fence last week has been arrested again after a similar stunt.
Thirty-eight-year-old Marci Anderson Wahl of Everett, Washington, was arrested after an alarm sounded about 2:15 a.m. Sunday [3-27-17]. Officials say she scaled a fence at the Treasury Building, next to the White House. She was charged with unlawful entry and contempt of court.
Wahl was first arrested Tuesday after trying to jump the White House fence. She was charged with unlawful entry and released on her own recognizance after being ordered to stay away from the area.
She was rearrested Friday after officers saw her near Lafayette Park. She was released again on her own recognizance after a Saturday court appearance.”
-Associated Press, “Officials: White House fence jumper tried again, at Treasury,” Fox News, March 26, 2017