
DONALD ON DONALD/FOREIGN POLICY/TRADE DEALS: “First of all, I don’t believe in an isolationist policy, but I also believe a policy of trade should be a fair policy. And the United States has been treated very, very unfairly by many countries over the years. And that’s going to stop.

But I’m not an isolationist. I’m a free trader, but I’m also a fair trader. And free trade has led to a lot of bad things happening — you look at the deficits that we have and you look at all of the accumulation of debt. We’re a very powerful company — country. We’re a very strong, very strong country. We’ll soon be at a level that we perhaps have never been before. Our military is going to be strengthened — it’s been depleted.”

-Donald Trump, “Joint Press Conference with President Trump and German Chancellor Merkel,” whitehouse.gov, Mar. 17, 2017