
CONFLICT OF INTEREST/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT/WALTER SHAUB: "On Jan. 11, as Donald Trump held his first press conference as president-elect, a little-known government ethics official in Washington watched with growing concern as Trump revealed his intention to retain ownership of his business empire rather than divest. Walter Shaub Jr., the soft-spoken director of the U.S. Office of Government Ethics (OGE), had previously praised Trump for what he mistook to be his plans to fully divest. In November, after Trump promised that as president he would have no conflicts of interest, Shaub tweeted out to him, 'Brilliant! Divestiture is good for you, good for America!'
But as trump and his lawyer laid out his plan, it was clear that Shaub had been premature."

 – “The Quiet Official Who���s Trump Enemy No. 1,” Bloomberg businessweek, Jan. 19, 2017, Bill Allison, 1/19/2017

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