
VA/VETS: "One of the coming commitments I made is that we’re going to straighten out the whole situation for our veterans. Our veterans have been treated horribly. They’re waiting in line for 15, 16, 17 days. Cases where they go on in and they have a minor early-stage form of cancer and they can't see a doctor; by the time they get to the doctor, they’re terminal. It’s not going to happen, it’s not going to happen. So David is going to do a fantastic job. We’re going to be talking to a few people also to help David [Dr. Daivd Shulkin], and we have some of the great hospitals of the world going to align themselves with us on the Veterans Administration, like the Cleveland Clinic."

 – “Donald Trump’s Press Conference, Annotated,” NPR.org, Jan. 11, 2017, Donald Trump, Transcript, 1/11/2017

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