
2020 ELECTION/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT/VOTING/VOTE BY MAIL: “[California Governor Gavin] Newsom announced that he’s sending out millions and millions of mail-in ballots. And you know where you, you say, who are they sending these to? And maybe who aren’t. Let’s say you take a Republican district and maybe those ballots don’t get sent there.

OK. This is the craziest thing. This will be a rigged election. If they’re allowed to do it, we’re like crazy. If you take a look, you know, we’ve won the last four elections. We won in Wisconsin. We won in North, we won too, you know that. Big one, we won a very big one in California, first time in 22 years, but we’re fighting mail-in ballots.

And in those cases, they had a lot of mail-in ballots, which is incredible. But the chance of theft, where they steal them, they hold up mailmen, they take them out of mailboxes, they print them fraudulently.”

-Donald Trump as quoted by Factbase, “Interview: Michael Savage Interviews Donald Trump on The Savage Nation Radio Show – June 15, 2020,” factba.se, June 15, 2020