
TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “President Donald Trump lavished praise on the health care system of Nambia during a speech at the United Nations. But there’s one little problem — there’s no such country.
‘In Guinea and Nigeria, you fought a horrifying Ebola outbreak,’ Trump told African leaders gathered Wednesday. ‘Nambia’s health system is increasingly self-sufficient.’
Trump mentioned Nambia twice during the session attended by leaders of several nations, including Ghana, Namibia and Uganda.
The gaffe lit up social media, with many speculating whether he meant Namibia, Zambia or Gambia, all of which have names that sound similar.
The White House later clarified that Trump was talking about the southwestern African nation of Namibia. Namibia dodged the Ebola outbreak that killed thousands in Africa two years ago and affected several nations, including the United States.”

-Faith Karimi, “Trump praises health care of Nambia, a nonexistent African country,” CNN World, CNN.com, Sept. 21, 2017 09:03am