
NATIONAL SECURITY/NUCLEAR/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “President Donald Trump on Wednesday [8-9-17] boasted of the strength of the U.S. nuclear arsenal, vowing ‘there will never be a time that we are not the most powerful nation in the world.’
‘My first order as President was to renovate and modernize our nuclear arsenal. It is now far stronger and more powerful than ever before,’ he said on Twitter. ‘Hopefully we will never have to use this power, but there will never be a time that we are not the most powerful nation in the world!’
The president’s comments on Twitter came the morning after he bluntly warned North Korea against making any more threats to the U.S., saying the country ‘will be met with fire and fury like the world has never seen.’
Within hours of Mr. Trump’s remarks on Tuesday, North Korea made its most specific threat against the U.S. yet—saying through official media that it was considering firing missiles at Guam, a U.S. territory in the Pacific.
Mr. Trump responded Wednesday morning by retweeting a Fox News story about U.S. Air Force jets taking off from Guam for training earlier in the week, ensuring ‘they can *fight tonight.*’ “

-Louise Radnofsky and Paul Sonne, “Trump Boasts U.S. Nuclear Arsenal Is ‘More Powerful Than Ever’,” The Wall Street Journal online, Aug 9, 2017 10:52am